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Everyone is doing the best they can given the thinking they have that looks real to them

Syd Banks

Helping a mentally distressed child 

A podcast with Marie Arymar & Liz Scott 


Watching your child becoming immersed in mental distress can be so frightening for parents. What can you do? How can you best support them?


In this podcast Liz Scott, from Inner Compass, speaks with Marie Arymar who gives an overview of how to assess the situation with a young person. During this conversation Liz and Marie discuss 7 ways to support the child.

Helping a mentally distressed childMarie Arymar & Liz Scott
00:00 / 20:45

What if my child is taking drugs?

A podcast with Marie Arymar & Liz Scott 


Are you scared that your youngster may be taking drugs? What can you do about it? How do you talk to them about it?


In this podcast Marie Arymar gives an overview of how to assess the situation with a young person.​

What if my child is taking drugs?Marie Arymar & Liz Scott
00:00 / 16:10


A podcast with Marie Arymar & Liz Scott 


Is your child reluctant to go to school? Have they become withdrawn and uncommunicative?

Do you fear your child might be the victim of bullying?


In this podcast Marie Arymar gives an overview of how to assess the situation with a young person. 

BullyingMarie Arymar & Liz Scott
00:00 / 16:16

Getting Out of Your Own Way with Marie Arymar - A podcast with Jamie Smart


I recently had a conversation with Clarity Coach & author Marie Arymar. One of the big breakthroughs for Marie was what she described as "getting out of her own way”. 


Marie specialises in working with young people and their parents, and she gets almost all her clients by referral. In fact, she's been considering leaving social media entirely because it isn't necessary for growing her business. We chat about her journey as a coach so far.

Jamie SmartMarie Arymar
00:00 / 51:28

Precarious Parenting is now into it’s third series


Following the success of series 1 & 2, Precarious Parenting is going from strength to strength, with people from around the globe requesting to join in and share their stories.


Marie continues to chat with real people discussing challenging aspects of their lives, where they explain with honesty and clarity how they saw through their precarious times. 


Episodes are available fortnightly from June to December each year. Subscribe here to ensure you know when each episode is made available.

Do you have a story?


Contact me and let’s share it together. We’ll do it in a safe and relaxed way. You could even remain anonymous - the choice is yours.

Series 4

Series 4

Series 4 - Podcast 5


 Joe Chown: Foster caring in an inner city

Joe ChownMarie Arymar
00:00 / 51:52

Series 4 - Podcast 4


Greg Fisher: Happy Hockey Dad - What kind of a sports parent are you?

Greg FisherMarie Arymar
00:00 / 47:30

Series 4 - Podcast 3


Christian McNeill: 'Life is a thousand times more enjoyable without addiction’

Christian McNeillMarie Arymar
00:00 / 47:05

Series 4 - Podcast 2


Favour: Living abroad from his family to follow his dreams

FavourMarie Arymar
00:00 / 34:24

Series 4 - Podcast 1


Elaine Wright: The path to anger-free parenting

Elaine WrightMarie Arymar
00:00 / 56:48

Series 3

Series 3

Series 3 - Podcast 13


Nicola Morgan: The Teenage Brain Woman

Nicola MorganMarie Arymar
00:00 / 38:20

Series 3 - Podcast 12


Andy: Chats about giving up alcohol before it broke up his family

AndyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 46:14

Series 3 - Podcast 11


Dicken Bettinger: Chats about the preciousness of parenting

Dick BettingerMarie Arymar
00:00 / 49:30

Series 3 - Podcast 10


Elianne Elbaum: Discusses making parenting better

Elianne ElbaumMarie Arymar
00:00 / 38:00

Series 3 - Podcast 9


Lorina Troy: Shares her story of battling for her children

Lorina TroyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 35:56

Series 3 - Podcast 8


Tom Kreffer: Chats about the states of mind of a new dad

Tom KrefferMarie Arymar
00:00 / 37:19

Series 3 - Podcast 7


Debbie Ausburn: Discusses fostering traumatised children

Debbie AusburnMarie Arymar
00:00 / 37:44

Series 3 - Podcast 6


Sue Atkins: Chats about being the UK’s Parenting Expert

Sue AtkinsMarie Arymar
00:00 / 30:34

Series 3 - Podcast 5


Hans Kullberg: Discusses the loss of a child and the unfolding grief 

Hans KullbergMarie Arymar
00:00 / 43:54

Series 3 - Podcast 4


Mavis Karn: Chats about the gift of deeper listening

Mavis KarnMarie Arymar
00:00 / 34:55

Series 3 - Podcast 3


Ali Fanshawe: Talks about kids being fizzy!

Ali FanshaweMarie Arymar
00:00 / 38:44

Series 3 - Podcast 2


Jack Pransky: Talks about parenting from the heart

Jack PranskyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 41:13

Series 3 - Podcast 1


SF Banks: Talks about raising extraordinary kids

SF BanksMarie Arymar
00:00 / 31:30
Series 2

Series 2

Series 2 - Podcast 14


Theresa Mitchel: Talks about her documentary 'Life After Loss’

Theresa_MitchellMarie Arymar
00:00 / 29:22

Series 2 - Podcast 13


Marita Nizam: Talks about children understanding they are good enough 

Marita NizamMarie Arymar
00:00 / 27:34

Series 2 - Podcast 12


Sonia Worthington: Chats about the support available to UK families

Sonia WorthingtonMarie Arymar
00:00 / 29:39

Series 2 - Podcast 11


Jonnie Jensen: Chats about becoming a Super Dad

Jonnie JensenMarie Arymar
00:00 / 33:14

Series 2 - Podcast 10


Cassandra Lane: Chats about the importance of all our stories

Cassandra LaneMarie Arymar
00:00 / 31:44

Series 2 - Podcast 9


Dave Young: Chats about being a widower dad

Dave YoungMarie Arymar
00:00 / 29:38

Series 2 - Podcast 8


Sarah Wehkamp: Chats about seeing through her frustrations as a parent

Sarah WehkampMarie Arymar
00:00 / 31:17

Series 2 - Podcast 7


Mandy & Rob Morsley: Chat about raising two children as GB sailors

Mandy & RobMarie Arymar
00:00 / 27:35

Series 2 - Podcast 6


Gail Swift: Discusses teen suicide with first hand experience

GailMarie Arymar
00:00 / 34:44

Series 2 - Podcast 5


Pete Hull: Chats about winning Gold medals for swimming at the Paralympics

PeteMarie Arymar
00:00 / 35:44

Series 2 - Podcast 4


Vicky: Talks about being fostered after her mother’s murder

VickyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 28:42

Series 2 - Podcast 3


Richard Capriola: Discusses his work with children with addictions

RichardMarie Arymar
00:00 / 33:28

Series 2 - Podcast 2


Shannon: A journey from career nanny to new mum.

ShannonMarie Arymar
00:00 / 34:05

Series 2 - Podcast 1


Sally and Alex: A mother and son share how Cystic Fibrosis has affected them as a family.

Alex & SallyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 46:15

Series 1

Series 1

Series 1 - Podcast 1


Claire & Barney: A mother and son talk about the effect of suicide on the family. 

Claire & BarneyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 31:23

Series 1 - Podcast 2


Aku: Hopes and aspirations of raising a mixed race child in Devon, UK

AkuMarie Arymar
00:00 / 29:31

Series 1 - Podcast 3


Paula: Wanting to be the best teacher for my children during lockdown

PaulaMarie Arymar
00:00 / 26:47

Series 1 - Podcast 4


Becky: Coping with a son who has ADHD

BeckyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 29:29

Series 1 - Podcast 5


Cassie: A young woman’s story of being fostered, raped and pregnant

CassieMarie Arymar
00:00 / 26:45

Series 1 - Podcast 6


Lindsey: Fear that Covid-19 would kill my family

LindseyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 31:08

Series 1 - Podcast 7


Claire: Claire talks about how she parents her parents

ClaireMarie Arymar
00:00 / 28:55

Series 1 - Podcast 8


Beth: The possibility that her son will always have to live at home

BethMarie Arymar
00:00 / 28:01

Series 1 - Podcast 9


Rebecca & Bea: share their journey through Bea’s eating disorder

Rebecca & BeaMarie Arymar
00:00 / 31:14

Series 1 - Podcast 10


Deb: (Part 1) surviving an abusive marriage - a mother’s story

DebMarie Arymar
00:00 / 32:23

Series 1 - Podcast 11


Laura: (Part 2) Laura talks about surviving her parents' abusive marriage - a daughter's story

LauraMarie Arymar
00:00 / 32:02

Series 1 - Podcast 12


Toby: Mid-20s, living in London, talks about dealing with anxiety

TobyMarie Arymar
00:00 / 29:06

Series 1 - Podcast 13


Dr Orlena: talks about her working helping families become fit and fabulous

Dr OrlenaMarie Arymar
00:00 / 28:54

Series 1 - Podcast 14


Elizabeth: Is messing up our kids part of being a parent? 

ElizabethMarie Arymar
00:00 / 34:13

Special thanks to Becky Whitcroft, Sound Engineer/Voiceover, for her support with the Precarious Parenting series.

Becky Whitcroft
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